Feel better with a complete approach to rehab

Our team of experienced chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists & athletic therapists are dedicated to helping you get out of pain.


up-to-date, proven treatment approaches to optimize your health


personalized plans focused on your goals and desired results


a variety of therapists so you can find the best one for you

Do you struggle with:


Back pain




Numbness and tingling


Neck pain


Shoulder pain


Knee pain


Hip pain


Athletic injuries


Postural strain




Concussion symptoms


Disc herniations or bulges


Rotator cuff injuries


Foot or ankle pain

Multiple services to help you succeed


Book Here


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Pelvic Floor

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Massage Therapy

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Clinical Pilates

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Fascial Stretch Therapy

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TPI Golf Medical Assessment

Book Here

Facial Acupunture

Book Here

Looking for an Appointment Today?

Contact us at 1-587-358-3355 to see if there are any openings.

Results from our


Lindsay is fantastic. Her focus on rehabilitation over long term treatment really pushes you to work to increase mobility. Having said that, she makes an effort to understand chronic or structural issues that don’t easily respond to rehab and offers practical solutions to manage those issues longer term.

I usually hate mornings because the pain is so sharp but it reduced significantly since yesterday and I’m even at the gym for an early workout. Deadlifts are still light but felt good. It’s only day 1 but it’s good news, good things and the best is yet to come.

Dr. Robinson is one of the few chiros who doesn’t keep you coming back for treatment when unnecessary.  His vast knowledge helps him practically assess and then remedy many issues.  He’s helped me with my lower back and my shoulder.  Highly recommend!

Your health is our priority

We view the body as a whole and by taking this holistic approach to your health and wellness we are able to identify the root cause of the problem. With daily interaction and weekly meetings, you will be supported by the entire team, not just the provider you are seeing. Whether you are looking to come back from an injury or maintain your health, we can assist with every step.

What to expect

On your first visit, you can expect to meet your provider, and go through a full history, exam, assessment and treatment. Our initial appointments are longer than industry average (60 minutes), and time spent in assessment saves time in treatment. Please wear comfortable, clean attire and be prepared to move.

What to expect

On your first visit, you can expect to meet your provider, and go through a full history, exam, assessment and treatment. Our initial appointments are longer than industry average (60 minutes), and time spent in assessment saves time in treatment. Please wear comfortable, clean attire and be prepared to move.

What the


has to say


How long do sessions last?

Initial appointment are 1 hour, follow up appointments depend on your specific needs and practitioner.

Will I get treatment during my first session?
In almost all cases, yes. Although, there may be times when imaging or a different diagnostic intervention is required before proceeding with treatments.
How many sessions do I need?
This depends on many factors; your therapist will provide recommendations based on your specific needs and goals. Many of our clients like to come in every 4-6 weeks for maintenance after full recovery in order to maintain their health.
How do I choose which therapist is right for me?
Our chiropractors and physiotherapists are fully trained to deal with any injury but you may have a preference. We recommend reading their bios and if you have further questions please reach out to us.
Do you see those injured in an motor vehicle accident?
Yes, our chiropractors and physiotherapists are trained in and qualified to assess and treat injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident.
I don't want my neck cracked or have needles put in, can I still come?
Yes, you always have the final say in exactly what happens in your appointment. Our team of chiropractors and physiotherapists have a wide set of skills to help you with your pain no matter what your preference is. They will give you a diagnosis and plan, and explain the pros and cons to each, every treatment will be discussed with you before it happens.
I have seen a physiotherapist/chiropractor before and it wasn't helpful, what makes you different?

Many physiotherapists and chiropractors practice differently and have different standards. We are evidence based and always learning. Our entire clinical team is dedicated to helping you resolve your pain and reach your goals as quickly as possible, caring about your outcome just as much (if not more) than you. If you are not responding to a trial of care as expected, you will be referred to the proper next step.

Location & Parking

5608 1st St SE Unit 3

Free parking in Builder's park, as well as plentiful street parking.


Hours of operation


Mon 7-7
Tues 7-7
Wed 7-7
Thu 7-7
Fri 7-3
Sat closed
Sun closed


Mon 7-7
Tues 7-7
Wed 7-7
Thu 7-7
Fri 7-3
Sat closed
Sun closed

Location & Parking

5608 1st St SE Unit 3

Free parking in Builder's park, as well as plentiful street parking.


Hours of operation


Mon 7-7
Tues 7-7
Wed 7-7
Thu 7-7
Fri 7-3
Sat closed
Sun closed


Mon 7-7
Tues 7-7
Wed 7-7
Thu 7-7
Fri 7-3
Sat closed
Sun closed

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